The following list of publications and reports have been completed by Terraqua employees.
Some were completed by current staff prior to their employment at Terraqua Inc.
This is only a selection of our works, and is by no means exhaustive.
CHaMP. 2013. The Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program: 2012 Second Year Lessons Learned Project Synthesis Report 2011-006. Prepared for the Bonneville Power Administration by CHaMP. Published by Terraqua Inc. for Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, OR. 63 pages.
CHaMP (Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program). 2013. Scientific protocol for salmonid habitat surveys within the Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program, Prepared by the Integrated Status and Effectiveness Monitoring Program and published by Terraqua, Inc., Wauconda, WA, 188pp.
CHaMP (Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program). 2014. Scientific protocol for salmonid habitat surveys within the Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program. Prepared by the Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program. Published by Terraqua Inc. for Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, OR.
CHaMP. 2015. The Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program: 2013 Third Year Lessons Learned Project Synthesis Report 2011-006-00. Prepared by CHaMP for the Bonneville Power Administration. Published by Terraqua Inc. for Bonneville Power Administration. 67 pages.
Fortney, S.T*. “A Century of Geomorphic Change of the San Rafael River and Implications for River Rehabilitation” (2015). All Graduate Theses and Dissertations. Paper 4363. http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/etd/4363.
Fortney, S.T*. 2004. Mattole River Watershed Channel Monitoring, 2002-2004, Final Report. Mattole Salmon Group. State Water Resources Control Board Agreement No. 01-102-251-0 and 01-151-251-0, and California Coastal Conservancy Agreement No. 02-128. 28 p. available online: http://mattolesalmon. org/index.php/reports
Gorman A.M., S. N. Pandit*, Y. Zhao, and C. Knight. 2011. Identify metrics related to walleye habitat. In: Report of the Lake Erie Habitat Task Group 2011, page 27-31. Great Lake Fishery Commission (the report is available at: http://www.glfc.org/lakecom/lec/HTG.htm#pub)
ISEMP. 2014. The Integrated Status and Effectiveness Monitoring Program: Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2013. Prepared by ISEMP for the Bonneville Power Administration. Published by Terraqua Inc. for Bonneville Power Administration. 46 pages.
ISEMP. 2013. The Integrated Status and Effectiveness Monitoring Program: Lessons Learned Synthesis Report 2012 Update. Prepared by ISEMP for Bonneville Power Administration. Published by Terraqua Inc. for Bonneville Power Administration. 97 pages.
ISEMP. 2012. The Integrated Status and Effectiveness Monitoring Program: Lessons Learned Synthesis Report 2003-2011. Prepared by ISEMP for the Bonneville Power Administration. Published by Terraqua Inc. for Bonneville Power Ad-ministration. 236 pages.
ISEMP. 2011. Integrated Status and Effectiveness Monitoring Program. ISEMP Products at Work in the Management Community. Prepared by ISEMP for the Bonneville Power Administration. Published by Terraqua Inc. for Bonneville Power Administration. 8 pp.
Pandit, S.N.*, K. Cottenie, E. C. Enders, J. Kolasa. 2015. The role of local and regional processes on population synchrony along the gradients of habitat specialization. Ecosphere, Ecological Society of America (in press).
Pandit, S. N.*, Y. Zhao, J. Ciborowski, A. M. Gorman and C. Knight. 2013. Suitable habitat model for walleye (Sander vitreus) in Lake Erie: implications for inter-jurisdictional harvest quota allocations. Journal of Great Lake Research 39:591-601.
Pandit, S. N.*, A. Hayward, J. Leeuw, and J. Kolasa. 2010. Does plot size affect the performance of GIS-based species distribution models? Journal of Geographical System, Volume 12, 389-407.
Terraqua Inc. 2018. Battle Creek Watershed Assessment: Sediment Sources and Influencing Factors. Prepared by Terraqua Inc. for the Battle Creek Watershed Conservancy, Redding, CA. 138 pp.
Terraqua Environmental Consulting. 1996. A comparative study of factors affecting the production of Trinity River Hatchery fall Chinook salmon. Prepared for the Hoopa Valley Tribal Council, Hoopa, Ca. 88 pp.
van den Broek, K.M.*, J.J. Smith and G. Wade. 2012. Estimating sockeye salmon escapement on the Copper River, Alaska, using mark-recapture with external PIT-tags. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Advances in Fish Tagging and Marking Technology, Auckland NZ
van Duren, I.C., Shubha N. Pandit* and J. de Leeuw. 2002. Impact of scale on the accuracy of species distribution maps. In: ISPRS 2002: Proceedings of ISPRS commission VII international symposium: Resource and environmental monitoring, Dec 3-6 2002, Hyderabad/editors: R.R. Navalgund [et al.]. - National Remote Sensing Agency
Wade, G.D., K.M. van den Broek*, T.M. Haluska, J.W. Savereide and J.J. Smith. 2009. Spawning distribution and run timing of Copper River sockeye salmon, 2008 annual report. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Alaska Sustainable Salmon Fund (Project No. 45850), Juneau, Alaska.
Ward, M. B.* 1988. Adult steelhead trout utilization of summer holding pools, Middle Fork Eel River, Ca. In: Proc. 1988 Conf. West. Div. Am. Fish. Soc., July 10-13, 1988.
Ward, M.B*, et al. 2001. A plan for adaptively managing the Battle Creek Hydroelectric Project and Battle Creek watershed for salmon and steelhead restoration. Prepared for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Ward, M.B.*, P. Higgins, J. Derksen, and W. Kier. 2000. Klamath Hydroelectric Project annotated bibliography of aquatics and wildlife. Prepared for PacifiCorp by Kier Associates.
Ward, M.B.* and W.M. Kier. 1999. Maximizing compatibility between Coleman National Fish Hatchery operations and salmon and steelhead restoration in Battle Creek. Prepared for the Battle Creek Working Group by Kier Associates.
Ward, M.B.* and W.M. Kier. 1998. Battle Creek Salmon and Steelhead Restoration Plan. Prepared for the Battle Creek Working Group by Kier Associates.