Bonneville Power Administration | Fisheries Research Institute | Native Village of Eyak | Copper River Intertribal Resource Conservation District | Battle Creek Watershed Conservancy | Hardin-Davis, Inc. and California Department of Fish and Game | Hoopa Valley Tribal Council | Metropolitan Water District of Southern California/Kier Associates | PacifiCorp | Steiner Environmental Consulting and Pacific Gas Electric | U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serve, Pacific Gas and Electric | Coffey and Associates | Hydroacoustic Technology, Inc. and Grant County Public Utility District | Parametrix Inc. and Grant County Public Utility District | R2 Resource Consultants and Seattle City Light | Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board
- Bonneville Power Administration -
Integrated Status and Effectiveness Monitoring Program (ISEMP)
ISEMP was a large-scale collaborative program implemented by agencies and contractors throughout the Columbia River basin, guided by several objectives related to management and recovery of ESA-listed salmon and steelhead populations as detailed in the 2008 Federal Columbia River Power System Biological Opinion (FCRPS BiOp). The objectives were to 1) design, evaluate and implement status and trends monitoring of fish and their tributary habitats, and 2) monitor watershed scale effectiveness of management and restoration actions impacting these fish and habitats. During the 13-year history of the program, ISEMP informed the design and prioritization of habitat restoration and enhancement projects, as well as the development of monitoring efforts by providing regional salmon management agencies with data, information and analysis tools. For more than a decade, Terraqua was responsible for coordinating and implementing ISEMP in the Upper Columbia region of Washington State, and working with collaborators in the John Day watershed (OR), and South Fork Salmon River and Lemhi River watersheds (ID). In addition to program coordination, study design development and integrated annual report writing, Terraqua was responsible for generating, curating and analyzing large datasets, which have provided fundamental pieces to the Upper Columbia region's fish population recovery prioritization framework.
Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program (CHaMP)
BPA began development of the CHaMP program in 2011 to further build upon ISEMP efforts to understand fish-habitat relationships and evaluate the effectiveness of fish habitat restoration and enhancement projects, as well as provide detailed insights into the status and trends of tributary fish habitat throughout the interior Columbia River basin, as required by the 2008 FCRPS BiOp. The CHaMP protocol is one of the most technologically advanced habitat monitoring protocols available, because it includes a high resolution topographic survey and derivate models that leverage the digital elevation model that is created from the survey. Terraqua staff worked as program coordinators with a leading role in budgeting, implementation, protocol development, programmatic protocol training and data collection. Terraqua collected CHaMP data at more than 800 visits to over 300 unique sites spread across the upper and interior Columbia River Basin, and used this data to inform large network-scale and reach-scale datasets and models, including hydraulic models, habitat suitability indices, carrying capacity estimation, bioenergetic models and stream network analyses.
- Fisheries Research Institute -
Bristol Bay
Analyzed sockeye salmon parasite data collected from fish sampled in research catches.
- Native Village of Eyak -
Copper River Chinook Escapement Monitoring Program
Technical assistance with personnel training, project operations, data reduction and analysis, proposals and reports; strategic program development and proposal writing.
- Copper River Intertribal Resource Conservation District -
Strategic program development and proposal writing.
- Battle Creek Watershed Conservancy -
Terraqua has worked for many years on a variety of projects representing BCWC in policy arenas pertaining to the management of Coleman National Fish Hatchery and the land and waters of Battle Creek, California. Most recently, Terraqua was hired to conduct an assessment of the sediment sources and factors responsible for erosion in the Battle Creek watershed. The motivation for the assessment was to better understand the causes of a recent increase in erosion, which cause damage to downstream infrastructure as well as degraded habitat occupied by ESA-listed fish populations. To better understand how a recent wildfire, salvage logging, and intense precipitation and runoff contributed to this increase in erosion, Terraqua used a combination of remote sensing methods, including photogrammetry, and an analysis of radionuclides in soil samples to quantify rates of sediment production and delivery across the watershed. Regional and state agencies are using the results from the assessment as the basis for a management plan to prescribe landscape rehabilitation projects.
- Hardin-Davis, Inc. and California Department of Fish and Game -
Klamath River Habitat Suitability Study
Assisted with design and implementation of field investigations to support the creation of habitat suitability criteria for salmon and steelhead populations.
- Hoopa Valley Tribal Council -
Chinook Salmon Production Modeling & Bioprogramming Model
Modeled the interactions between hatchery rearing and release practices and environmental variation on Chinook salmon production in the Trinity River, Ca. Time-series and statistical techniques, including generalized linear models and multivariate regression, with a large dataset of freshwater, marine, and hatchery variables.
- Metropolitan Water District of Southern California/Kier Associates -
Battle Creek Watershed Restoration Planning
Prepared a restoration plan for salmon and steelhead in Battle Creek, Ca. Compiled instream flow analyses, water temperature analyses, limiting-life stage modeling, and all other relevant fisheries evidence that supported the development of alternative restoration scenarios, including the proposed PG&E-Resource Agency restoration program.
- PacifiCorp -
Klamath Hydroelectric Project Annotated Bibliography
Prepared a computerized annotated bibliography compiling all available information relating to the condition of fish, wildlife, and water quality in areas affected by the Klamath Hydroelectric Project. Managed client coordination, information gathering, and database design.
North Umpqua Hydroelectric Project
Aquatic resources study on the age and growth of trout collected from the North Umpqua Hydroelectric Project.
- Steiner Environmental Consulting and Pacific Gas Electric -
Potter Valley Project, Ca.
Analyzed the efficacy of fish screens installed at the Potter Valley Hydroelectric Project on survival and passage rates of rainbow and steelhead trout.
- U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Pacific Gas & Electric -
Battle Creek Restoration Program
Managed and prepared an adaptive management plan to guide the operation of FERC Project No. 1121 and the PG&E’s FERC license amendment. Designed fish passage (ladders and screens), instream flows, water quality monitoring and modeling, and fish population studies to monitor the interactions between the hydroelectric project and three ESA-listed salmonid populations. Managed all fisheries-related studies, permit-application preparation, ESA-biological assessment, and Environmental Impact Statement preparation for the FERC license amendment process. Secured the relevant 401, 402, and 404 Certificates.
- Coffey and Associates -
Santiam River Water Quality
Provided a fisheries and water quality review of the North Santiam River, Oregon, with specific reference to potential impacts of a proposed mine.
- Hydroacoustic Technology, Inc. and Grant County Public Utility District -
Developed and implemented models of hydroacoustic noise that confounds counts of salmon smolts at bypass facilities at Columbia River hydroelectric dams.
- Parametrix, Inc.and Grant County Public Utility District -
Wanapum and Priest Rapids Reservoir Studies
Sampled fish from a variety of habitats using several gear types in the mid-Columbia River at Grant County P.U.D.’s Wanapum and Priest Rapids hydroelectric projects.
- R2 Resource Consultants and Seattle City Light -
Boundary Dam Hydroelectric Project, Wa.
Conducted snorkel surveys, habitat assessments, presence/absence electroshocking surveys, and trapping for bull trout, rainbow trout, brook trout, and brown trout on the Pend Oreilles River and its tributaries.
- Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board -
Collated material for and wrote an adaptive management plan appendix to the Upper Columbia Spring Chinook and Steelhead Recovery Plan. Collated material for and wrote a report documenting the findings of the First Annual Upper Columbia Adaptive Management Conference.