Chelan County Public Utility District | Washington Department of Natural Resources | U.S. Army Corp of Engineers | U.S. Forest Service | Washington Resource Conservation & Development Council | Confederated Tribes of the Colville Nation
- Chelan County Public Utility District -
Macroinvertebrate Investigation in the Chelan River, WA
Terraqua is conducting a three-year baseline assessment of benthic and drift macroinvertebrate communities within multiple reaches of the Chelan River (WA). Data collection is targeted to assess the biomass, taxonomic classification, resource class and/or size distribution of these communities. Terraqua developed a Quality Assurance Project Plan that was approved by the Washington Department of Ecology. Terraqua has collected samples semi-annually following rigorous protocols, and completes annual advanced statistical analyses to describe current conditions, spatial and temporal variability, and comparisons of community health compared with regional reference and similar comparison streams.
- Washington Dept. of Natural Resources -
Cooperative Monitoring Evaluation and Research (CMER) Technical Writer/Editor
Terraqua provides technical content and copy editing for various adaptive management research and monitoring project reports. Terraqua is assisting CMER with technical writing and editing services as they work to update Forest Practices Rules to effectively meet resource objectives and performance targets under the Washington Forest Practices Habitat Conservation Plan.
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers -
Bio-Statistical Services
Terraqua holds a contract with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to provide applied biostatistical services for the Northwestern Region's Anadromous Fish Evaluation Program (AFEP), encompassing the Walla Walla and Portland District’s anadromous fish research efforts. AFEP conducts scientific investigations to aid in the recovery of listed endangered salmon and other species through improving fish passage conditions in the Columbia and Snake Rivers to maximize the survival of juvenile and adult salmon and steelhead. Terraqua provides an objective and independent review of statistical objectives and parameters of AFEP research projects.
- U.S. Forest Service -
Region 6 Professional Natural Resource IDIQ
In 2014 Terraqua was awarded a five-year contract with the U.S Forest Service under a Professional Natural Resource IDIQ. This IDIQ includes task order work such as National Environmental Policy Act support, data collection and analysis, water resources, fisheries and wildlife, forestry assessments, landscape analysis and watershed assessments, and Geographic Information System work.
- Washington Resource Conservation and Development Council -
Stand Exam Support for the Upper Wenatchee Pilot Project NEPA
Terraqua is implementing a study of tree and ground vegetation data at 1,208 sample plots across approximately 75,000 acres within the Wenatchee Ranger District, Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest. Our data collection protocols closely follow the Region 6 Common Stand Exam Field Guide (USFS 2014). The data we are collecting will provide critical information for the Upper Wenatchee Pilot Project NEPA.
- Confederated Tribes of the Colville Nation, Environmental Trust -
Colville Reservation Watershed LiDAR Analysis
Terraqua is analyzing LiDAR that was acquired between 2014 and 2016 to delineate stream reaches based on water type definitions within CTCR code 4-7 Forest Practices. across the entire Colville Reservation. In addition to delineating stream reaches, we are attributing each reach with estimates of channel width, stream gradient, and the 100-year floodplain that are derived from the LiDAR data. We are also using the LiDAR data alongside aerial photography and empirical data to identify channel heads. Prior to conducting the analyses, we are preprocessing the LiDAR data to create a hydrologically correct DEM by remove inaccuracies in the digital elevation models and creating a hydro-enforced DEM by removing roads and other barriers at stream crossings. The final deliverables will include a GIS geodatabase showing stream course locations, stream widths, gradients, water type classifications and floodplain limits covering over 1.3 million acres of the Colville Indian Reservation.